
Sunday, 28 September 2014


What are all these people actually thinking about?  Find out in Term 4.

27 September until 12 October, we are on holiday.  What are you doing? Are you relaxing? Having fun? Sleeping in late? Studying and getting ready for term 4?

While you're on holiday I hope you're enoying time with your family, reading for fun and honing your basic facts skills.  Take a little time to prepare for term 4, it's our last term together and we have a lot left to achieve.  Year 6s, there are 20 of you.  You are 10 weeks away from being Year 7s and studying at an intermediate school.  That's super exciting! Are you ready? First, do you know where you're going?  Second, are you on track for success?

I'll miss you when you're gone but I look forward to seeing you fly.

Year 5s, there are 7 of you, you are now 10 weeks away from being the undisputed, champions of New Windsor.  Are you ready to step into your leadership positions? You'll have some big shoes to follow once our year 6s are gone.  I look forward to seeing each of you take your next step.

While I'm on holiday, I'm playing with Inez, sleeping in late, relaxing with my family and friends and celebrating my birthday.  I'm looking forward to hearing all about your breaks and finding out what you've been thinking about.  During this break I'll be thinking about more interesting learning experiences for us all and making a plan to achieve my new goals.


  1. William☺☻☺☻15 October 2014 at 17:34

    I'M GOING TO MISS YOU TOO MISS SKIPPER! :^( )^: (sob sob sob)

    1. William☺☻☺☻20 October 2014 at 18:39

      :^( why does it have to be this way?!!? :^(


  3. great thinking room 15


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