
Saturday 30 May 2015

Joe Sullivan, Olympian

What an amazing close to Health Week. Olympian Joe Sullivan came to talk to us. His message? Never give up and don't let anyone tell you that you can't achieve your goal! Joe Sullivan definitely has a growth mindset! We all got a chance to touch a real Olympic medal, a gold one. It was big, shiny and heavy. Have you touched an Olympic medal? We have!

Friday 29 May 2015

St John's learning with Olivia

Carrying on with our Health Week experiences with Olivia.
Olivia taught us each how to put someone into the recovery position and we each had a go at performing CPR. Did you know you need to compress a person's chest thirty times when doing CPR? If you sing Row Row Row Your Boat this will help you push down on a person's heart the right number of times.

Thursday 28 May 2015

Health Week 2015

Police 2 visits New Windsor School. What a day!!!
Health week 2015: 9 am.   The classroom was abuzz.  People were finding it hard to concentrate as we took the roll and got on with our work.  We carried on working, listening and hoping and then suddenly we got the word.  Yes, the helicopter was on its way . . . flac flac flac flac ... yes we could hear it and yes we could hustle out to the backfield to take our spot.  

In the afternoon Constables Hamish and Justin came with Axel and Ice.

Sunday 24 May 2015

Growth Statements

Room 15 has been learning things about ourselves and thinking about the ways in which we think and the ways in which we stop ourselves from learning. There are so many barriers to learning and there are so many learning opportunities. What stops you from learning? How are your barriers erected and torn down??

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Kahoot !!!

On Tuesday, Ms Laxa had set up a Kahoot for us to play.  The teachers enjoyed playing it as much as the students who have given it a go as well.  Learning never stops!

Sunday 10 May 2015

Cold Water Fish Choices

I visited Hollywood Fish Farm in Mount Roskill and Animates in Manukau to get some fish supplies.  When I was there I took photos of some of the available cold water fish.  Choices for our tank include Gold Barbs, White Cloud Mountain Minnows, Brown Algae Eater and cold water guppies.

Have a look at the pictures and have a think about what kinds of fish you might like to see in our classroom.  Keep in mind how much things cost.

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Collaborative Drawing

Have you ever copied a picture without seeing the original? What instructions would be most helpful for you to recreate something sight unseen ?

In pairs, our class took turns,  first one person described the flower while the other drew it and then we swapped around.  Our first sketches were really awesome.  They show good communication skills, attentive listening skills and some developing sketching skills.  Keep watching . . . there's more to come. This was just the first step in our 'Georgia O'Keefe' inspired art cycle.

Monday 4 May 2015

Colour Games!!

When you think about the colour red what do you think about? What does it bring to mind?

Meet Flaming Ketchup

Bring the competition is Sapphire.  What do you think about when you think about blue? What images does the word blue conjure up for you?

Is black a colour or is black a tone? What do you think?? What does the word black make you think of?

Here is Midnight Shadow!

Here's our last group, Shamrock.  Shamrocks are meant to be good luck. I wonder if this group is lucky.