
Tuesday 27 October 2015

What goes on in a classroom with 1:1 devices?

Room 25 paid us a visit to have a look for themselves. They asked questions, they looked at what the current year 5s and 6s are doing, they checked out all the different things they might have a chance to do next year. I wonder what they thought of it all. Are they intrigued? What did you tell them? What advice would you give to anyone thinking about joining a digital classroom?


  1. Being in a digital class room is the best you get to keep your chrome book you can access more and you can control your learning.All for the price of $250 dollars.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. In a digital class it would be a great opportunity try a new style of learning and I think it would be great fun for everyone.

  4. in a digital class it is really fun and you learn new websites that paper and pen can not do and you also get to do some really cool math games.


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