
Friday 17 October 2014

Phillip's Selfie Question of the Week

Why do bullies mock other people?

I think that bullies mock people because they want to be funny but they really just hurt people's feelings.  Sometimes they find something that is different about you not the same as other people and then they make up jokes, pick on the difference and mock.  

They are trying to be funny but it's not nice.  Sometimes it's because they want to put down people.


  1. I think that bullies like to mock people because they are jealous about something so they find something to tease someone about. For example, if you're good at sport like the fastest runner or best try scorer then maybe the bullies tease you about not being so good at something else like reading, or that you have an accent or your family members.

  2. Hello there, My name is Hosana I am from room 12!
    Hi Phillip, I enjoyed reading your bullying story. It's so AWESOME and INTERESTING! I really wanna hear another bullying story from you. It seems so good! :)

    Your truly,

  3. I think bullies mock because they want to make fun of you and they think its funny but sometimes they are just jealous because you might be good at somethings and they are not.

  4. Bullies like to mock people beacause they feel bad about them self.Bullies always hurt peoples feelings make fun of them like calling names.They tease you if your clothes are not nice and if you are not good at something.

  5. Bullies like to mock people because they probably want people to think there cool or just it because they if its very funny.....

  6. Bullies like to mock people because they think it's funny to pick on people and mock what they wear to school

  7. ♥♥Sania♥♥20 October 2014 at 17:31

    Bullies like to mock other people because they think it is funny to pick on people and tease them about there looks and clothing.

  8. William☺☻☺☻20 October 2014 at 18:37

    Bullies mock people to help them feel better. When really it will make them feel worse in the future. :(

  9. Bullies like to mock people and hurt their feelings because they think they are funny or cool but they are not. Bullies like to make you sad.Sometimes they can be jealous or they find something they can tease you about like if you are not good at something

  10. Great comments everyone. Please notice that there is a difference between the words their, there and they're. Be mindful when you write these words and choose the one whose meaning you wish to convey. 'Their' is a determiner which let's you know that something belongs to someone. For example, "Their mother came to school yesterday". 'There' is an adverb showing you where something is. For example' "Your mother is over there". Lastly, 'they're' is a contraction of the words they and are. For example, "They're talking to their mother who is sitting over there". Please be more careful.

  11. they mock just to show that there better than them and cooler

  12. mock other people because maybe they dont like something about themselves so they make other people hurt like them


  13. Bullies mock people because there is a thing that the bully likes to do but he/she can't do it so they bully the person that can do it. NOT GOOD AT ALL

    1. Wow strong words nazheef nice - jawad

  14. bullies hurt other peoples feeling because they think they are cool and thinks its funny.

  15. I think bullies like mocking people because they want to heart people feelings and make them sad and upset so they feel bad about them and start crying the bullies think it is very nice to hurt peoples feelings and it is also funny

  16. ministry of no bullying-Humble Hamo22 October 2014 at 17:03

    First of all they could be jealus or they could be doing because they think it's funny maybe even to try and make people laugh.

  17. Oops I got my grammar wrong!

  18. OMG how many comments um but it is bad bullying people

  19. I think bullies like mocking people because they are trying to hurt other peoples feeling so then they feel good inside there hearts bullies also say that you are not good something .

  20. I think that bullies mock other people that are better at something than them.

  21. I think bullies mock people because they have nothing to do but mock.And bullies act cool but there not bullies need to know how to respect others not mock them.Bullies should be a shamed of them selevs

  22. I think bully's mock because it makes nasty people laugh and puts the victim down.

  23. sabah ♥♥♥♥23 October 2014 at 10:07

    I think a bully is a person who hits people and bullys little people and they really mock people a lot

  24. bully's mock other people because there sad and they don't like showing there fellings

  25. think bullies bully beeacuase they fell jallus from othier people


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